Residents Set Fire to Edo Police Station After Young Man’s Kidnapping and Killing, Despite Ransom Payment
In a dramatic turn of events, residents of Agenebode, the headquarters of Etsako East Local Government Area in Edo State, Nigeria, took to the streets in anger, leading to the burning of a police station. This incident was triggered by the heartbreaking kidnapping and killing of a young man, which has raised serious concerns about […]
Port Harcourt Refinery Shut Down by Local Youths Over Unemployment Concerns
Youths from the Alesa and Alode communities in Eleme have taken a stand against the Port Harcourt Refinery, shutting down its operations to demand job opportunities. Despite the refinery undergoing rehabilitation, these community members are frustrated with the lack of employment provided to local residents. For two days, hundreds of youths blocked the main entrance […]