The peaceful community of Akor village in Guma Local Government Area, Benue State, has been thrown into chaos after the tragic killing of a well-known farmer and businessman, Terzungwe Shaku, by kidnappers.
Shaku was abducted just before the New Year in Akor village and held hostage for over two weeks. The kidnappers initially demanded N20 million as ransom. After tense negotiations, his family managed to secure his release by paying N5.4 million.
However, shortly after the ransom was handed over, the kidnappers cruelly shot Shaku. His family, who had just left the drop-off point, heard gunshots and rushed back to find his lifeless body.
This heartbreaking event has caused widespread fear in Akor and nearby villages. Many residents are now fleeing their homes, worried about further attacks from criminals.
When contacted, the spokesperson for the Benue State Police Command, SP Catherine Anene, revealed that she had not received information about the incident at the time.
This tragedy underscores the rising insecurity in parts of Benue State, leaving many communities in fear and despair.