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Former lesbian recalls when a pastor’s wife refused to allow her sing in church choir because she was in a homosexual relationship

Promise Israel recently shared a story from her past about an incident that happened in church. In a Facebook post on Sunday, she recalled how she was once denied the chance to sing in the church choir because she was in a same-sex relationship.

At that time, the pastor’s wife refused her request, which deeply upset her. She admitted that the decision angered the “gay spirit” inside her, leading her to leave the church.

However, looking back now, Promise sees things differently. She believes that if she had been allowed to join the choir, she might have remained in that lifestyle. She now feels that the pastor’s wife’s decision played a role in changing her life for the better.

Her story serves as a reflection on how certain moments, even the ones that hurt at the time, can later be seen as turning points for personal growth and transformation.

I remember a few years ago I joined a church & I opened up to the pastor and his wife about being in a homosexual relationship ok boom I continued to go to the church and I wanted to start singing in the choir and then the pastor wife told me I needed to get myself together before doing that,” she wrote.

She completely offended me (well the gay spirit inside of me) and I left the church! I actually stayed in the lesbian lifestyle a little longer because I was angry.

Now this might sound crazy but since I’ve grown spiritually I’ve realized that when the pastor’s wife told me “No I could not sing in the choir because I needed to get myself together”

She actually saved my life if I had gotten a chance to do anything like that in the church while being a homosexual I never would’ve left that lifestyle.

“I would’ve been able to have my cake and eat it 2.

The moral of the story Is sometimes saying NO is really the solution to the Problem.

Problem -Being Gay

Solution – Saying No regarding things I wanted to do while still being in that lifestyle.

Listen stop allowing people to do things out of order. Have a boundary when it comes to Christ and that’s not JUDGEMENT that is TRUTH. I WAS PROVOKED TO CHANGE. Now I’m free, & I m growing with Jesus Christ everyday!

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