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Fishermen catch dead body in net while fishing

A group of fishermen had a shocking experience while fishing off the coast of Massachusetts. On Wednesday, March 5, they pulled up their net, expecting fish, but instead found a dead body tangled in their catch.

At first, the crew noticed that one of their nets was much heavier than usual. When they started sorting through the fish, they discovered the body hidden underneath.

According to TMZ, the body appeared to be wearing a suit, with a strap around it that kept the arms at the sides. The fishermen immediately contacted the Coast Guard to report their discovery.

The Suffolk County District Attorney’s office is aware of the case but has not yet identified the person. They have not confirmed the age, gender, or name of the deceased. Authorities have not ruled out any possibilities, and an autopsy is being conducted to determine the cause of death.

The investigation is ongoing, and officials hope to find answers soon.

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