A male student from Bowen University in Ogun State has tragically passed away under mysterious circumstances on campus. The student, enrolled in the College of Management and Social Sciences, died on the night of Wednesday, January 22, 2025. His identity has not been disclosed by the university.
According to a statement released by the university, the student was seen running toward the staff quarters before suddenly collapsing and hitting his head on the pavement. A staff member and some students who were nearby discovered the student and noticed a wound on his abdomen. Though there were no signs of a struggle at the scene, further medical examination revealed bruises around the student’s neck, suggesting that there might have been a fight or struggle.
The university quickly rushed the student to the hospital, but despite the efforts of medical staff, he passed away later that night. The student’s last communication with a friend at 8:01 PM indicated that he was on his way to the hostel. His personal belongings, such as his phone, shoes, and cap, were later found scattered along the road near the staff quarters.
In light of this tragedy, Bowen University has suspended all ongoing examinations. They will resume on Monday, January 27, 2025. The university’s management has contacted the student’s family to inform them of the heartbreaking news and is working closely with law enforcement to investigate the circumstances surrounding the death.
The university has urged all members of the community to stay alert and report any suspicious activity to security services. During this challenging time, Bowen University has asked everyone to keep the family and friends of the deceased in their thoughts and prayers.