A heartbreaking incident unfolded in Abeokuta, Ogun State, as Mr. Adeniyi Oluwaseun, the Acting Head of the Audit Department at the Federal Medical Centre (FMC), Idi-Aba, took his own life.
The tragedy occurred on Sunday evening in the Obantoko area of Abeokuta, shortly after he had dinner. Reports indicate that Mr. Adeniyi had been battling mental health issues for some time and had previously undergone treatment.
His body was recovered from the well and has been deposited in a morgue.
On Tuesday, Mr. Segun Orisajo, Head of Public Relations and Communication at FMC Abeokuta, confirmed the incident and described it as shocking. He praised the late staff member as hardworking and loyal, stating that his sudden death was a devastating loss for the hospital.
“It is true that he committed suicide. This is an unfortunate and deeply saddening event. The entire management is in shock and mourning. Our heartfelt condolences go out to his department, family, and loved ones,” Mr. Orisajo said.
This incident highlights the ongoing need to prioritize mental health support and awareness in our communities to prevent such tragedies.