In a devastating tragedy, Ojomachenwu Adaidu, the mother of Salome Adaidu, has opened up about her final moments with her beloved daughter. Salome, a member of the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC), was brutally killed in Nasarawa State last weekend by her partner, Timileyin Ajayi.
Salome’s grieving mother described her daughter as vibrant, loving, and full of dreams. Overcome with sorrow, she is now calling for justice to be served for her untimely and horrific death.
The police paraded Timileyin before reporters on Tuesday, where he confessed to the crime. He claimed that Salome had been unfaithful and showed no regret for his actions.
This tragic event has shocked the community and sparked calls for justice for Salome, who had her life tragically cut short. Her family and friends remember her as a young woman filled with potential and kindness.
Speaking recently with BBC Pidgin, mother of the deceased said
“I called her on Saturday and asked where she was. She told me she was washing clothes. I then asked if she was washing the clothes alone. She said yes and added that the firstborn child was in the living room cleaning it.
She also told me that once she finished, she planned to go to the place where she does her NYSC training. Maybe it was from that training that this incident happened because the bag she took to the training was the same one the police brought, which I saw on Monday.”
As investigations continue, the hope remains that those responsible for such an appalling act will face the full consequences of the law.
“Maybe on her way to the place, she entered a ‘one-chance’ (a kind of scam often involving public transport), or someone used medicine (voodoo) on her because she doesn’t have friends like that. I want justice for my child,” she said.
This heartbreaking story serves as a reminder of the urgent need to address issues of violence in relationships and to provide support for those at risk.