A tragic incident took place in Owo, Ondo State, on January 6, 2025, when a violent clash between rival cult groups led to the deaths of four people. Among the victims were a woman and her baby, who were reportedly hit by stray bullets during the exchange of gunfire.
The other two victims were identified as Fisayo Oladipo, a well-known leader of the All Progressives Congress (APC), and one other individual. Eyewitnesses reported hearing gunshots for several hours as the violence spread across parts of the town.
“We thank God that students are not around because we have been hearing gunshots and after it was heard that some people have been killed early this morning,” the witness said.
The bodies of the victims were taken to the morgue at the Federal Medical Centre in Owo. The State Police Command confirmed the incident and assured that security forces have been deployed to the area to restore peace and prevent further violence.
“Four people have been confirmed d3ad, but normalcy has returned through the intervention of the police and efforts are on to arrest the perpetrators of the act,” the PPRO stated.