Eniola Badmus, a well-known Nollywood actress, recently shared her heartfelt desire to become a mother. On January 2, she took part in a food distribution event in Oshodi, Lagos, where she spoke openly about her wish for children.
As she addressed the attendees, Eniola became emotional and even broke down in tears while expressing her hope to be blessed with children. She asked her fans to keep her in their prayers during this personal journey, as she waits for the blessing of motherhood.
Her openness about such a deeply personal wish touched many of her fans, and they quickly showed their support by offering prayers and encouragement. This moment has resonated with many, as it highlights the power of community support in fulfilling personal dreams.
Through her vulnerable moment, Eniola has reminded everyone of the importance of love, faith, and support in making wishes come true.
“Please continue to pray for me, always mention me, Eniola Badmus, in your prayers. I’m waiting upon the Lord for kids, I’m waiting upon the Lord for children, please pray for me and more opportunities so that I can serve you better. With your prayers and God by my side, I will continue to work together with you people and achieve a brighter and more prosperous tomorrow for many of our people. Thank you today, thank you always and thank you forever.” she said