In a heartbreaking incident in Benue State, gunmen attacked a farmer, resulting in his death and the abduction of his daughter and two teenagers. The victim, John Ajaka, was working on his farm in the Agatu Local Government Area when the attackers struck.
According to local sources, John Ajaka, who lived in Ogwule Ankpa Village, was brutally killed during the assault. His daughter, Owakoyi John, along with two other teenagers, were taken by the armed men.
James Melvin Ejeh, the Executive Chairman of the Agatu Local Government Council, confirmed the incident. He described the attack as cruel and wicked. Ejeh stated that security forces are currently pursuing the criminals and are committed to bringing them to justice.
Ejeh reassured the residents of Ogwule and Agatu that measures are being taken to enhance security. He urged the community to stay calm and not resort to violence in response to this tragedy. The council is determined to ensure the safe return of the kidnapped individuals and to address the ongoing security challenges in the region.
This shocking event has left the community in fear, but local leaders are working hard to restore safety and peace.