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Don’t Trust People Who Take Too Long to Respond To Calls and Text – Actress, Aiyeola Opeyemi

In today’s fast-paced world, communication is key to maintaining healthy relationships. Nigerian actress Opeyemi Aiyeola recently took to her Instastories to share some heartfelt advice with her fans: don’t trust people who consistently take hours or even days to respond to your text messages or return your calls.

Opeyemi believes that in any relationship, no one is too busy to spare a minute for someone they truly care about. It’s not about being glued to your phone 24/7, but rather about making an effort to stay connected. If someone is constantly active on their phone—checking, texting, chatting, or calling others—but can’t seem to find the time to respond to you, it might be a sign that they don’t value your relationship as much as they should.

In her post, Opeyemi emphasizes that actions speak louder than words. If a person is always delaying their replies, despite being active on their phone, it could be a red flag. Communication should be a two-way street, and when someone repeatedly fails to show that they care through timely responses, it might be time to reconsider how much trust you place in that relationship.

Opeyemi’s advice serves as a reminder to pay attention to the small yet significant signs in our relationships. It’s not about demanding immediate responses, but rather about recognizing when someone isn’t making an effort to stay connected. In the end, trust and communication go hand in hand, and a lack of either can be detrimental to any relationship.

So, the next time you find yourself waiting hours for a reply from someone who is always on their phone, take a moment to consider whether that person truly values the connection you share. As Opeyemi Aiyeola wisely suggests, trust should be reserved for those who make the effort to show that they care.

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