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Police Officer Who Shot Black Woman Thought Her Saying “In the Name of Jesus” Meant She Was Going to Kill Him

In a troubling case that has sparked nationwide protests, a police officer shot and killed Sonya Massey, a 36-year-old Black woman, under controversial circumstances. The incident occurred on July 6, 2024, after Massey called 911 reporting a suspected prowler in her home.

The officer involved, Sean Grayson, reported that he interpreted Massey’s religious statement, “I rebuke you in the name of Jesus,” as a direct threat to his life. According to his field report, Grayson believed her words meant she intended to harm him. This interpretation led him to act with heightened caution, ultimately resulting in the fatal shooting.

The events unfolded when Grayson and another deputy responded to Massey’s call. Upon entering her home, Grayson instructed her to remove a pot of boiling liquid from the stove. The officer’s report indicates that they shared a brief moment of levity when Grayson moved away from the hot water. However, tensions escalated when Massey faced Grayson holding the pot.

Massey reportedly asked Grayson to pass her a Bible and uttered “Please God” as she met the deputies at her door. When she told Grayson she would “rebuke” him, he drew his firearm, fearing that she might use the pot as a weapon. Massey, reportedly in a state of distress, ducked behind a counter and then stood up, appearing to hold the pot above her head.

Grayson, believing that Massey might throw the boiling liquid at him, fired three shots from his 9 mm pistol. One of the bullets struck Massey just below the eye. Grayson’s report claimed that he saw the liquid spill and steam rising from the area where Massey had been.

Following the incident, Grayson was placed on administrative leave, and the shooting has led to significant public outcry. Many are questioning the appropriateness of Grayson’s actions and the adequacy of his response to Massey’s behavior. The case has intensified calls for police reform and accountability, particularly concerning how officers handle encounters with individuals experiencing mental health crises.

Sonya Massey’s family has demanded the resignation of Sheriff Jack Campbell, arguing that past issues with Grayson’s conduct should have precluded his role in law enforcement. The case continues to be a focal point for discussions about racial disparities in police encounters and the need for changes in policing practices.

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